You have heard me say before that we are all made of energy. In fact, everything is energy – plants, animals, thoughts, emotions and even illnesses have a unique energetic frequency.
At this moment, we are all vibrating at our own unique and specific rate, which is determined by many things, some of which can be controlled, and some which cannot. Age, gender, and genetics cannot be controlled. But there are many things that can be controlled to help elevate your frequency. These include:
• Stress Level
• Overall emotional well-being
• Ability to relax in a healthy manner
• Diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables
• Clean water, and lots of it
• Regular exercise
• Healthy life choices
• Meditation
• Time spent outdoors
The chart below shows in Megahertz, the rate at which the human body, the brain, some foods, and some illnesses vibrate. It makes sense to say then, that the higher we keep our vibrational frequency, the healthier we are. Making a few tweaks in our daily routine can lead to dramatic results in our overall health and wellness.
One of the best tools we have available to us for relieving stress, elevating our frequency, and maintaining health and wellness is the Genius Biofeedback System. This technology delivers frequencies that are specific to you based on the analysis of fluctuations in the tone of your voice, photo image and your date of birth. When the frequencies are played, subtle shifts begin to occur, allowing for a reduction in stress and rebalancing the Mind, Body, and Biofield. Isn’t this a GENIUS idea – your own individualized group of frequencies to help you regain balance. What a wonderful technique to add to your wellness routine. Once you have experienced this, you’ll wonder why you didn’t try it sooner.
Albert Einstein said it best with, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but to get that reality. It can be no other way. This is NOT philosophy. This is PHYSICS.”
Author: Jackie King
Tis The Season To Be Happy, Healthy and Prosperous

Ahhhhh … December … Christmastime, the month for gift giving, get-togethers and celebrating. A favorite time of year for many. One of my favorite things is to give a gift as an expression of my fondness and appreciation to those that mean so much to me. To help launch the Christmas season, I have gifts that everyone will enjoy. Giving a gift is giving a small piece of yourself and should be accepted without any reservations. So, please accept my gifts, and have a blessed Christmas season and a prosperous New Year.
The Gift of Relaxation: Regular massage can ease muscle aches and pains, improve range of motion, lift depression and ease anxiety. Are you in need of a brief getaway with the hectic holidays, but can’t quite manage the time or expense? Try taking a “stay-cation”. Schedule a session of complete relaxation for yourself and a special loved one. A 2-hour session 1-2 times a month can offer you the peace and tranquility needed to ease your stress and allow you to remain focused on your family and the season.
I have created some unique session combinations with techniques to better serve you. Each is designed to help you relax, restore and rebalance your mind, body, and spirit at a deeper level and in its own special way.
Choose from one of the following: Complete Relaxation; Raindrop Relaxation; Hot Stone and Singing Bowls; or Aromatherapy & Chakra Balancing. Call for details on each.
Save $25 when you purchase a single 2-hour session. Gift Certificates available.
The Gift of Restored Health: A healthy lymphatic system is the key to maintaining good health, but it needs active physical movement as in exercise or passive movement, as in massage and bodywork to prevent stagnation. Adding Lymphatic Massage to your wellness program can help reduce pain, reduce edema, improve range of motion, encourage weight loss and reduce the symptoms associated with many illnesses and diseases. 6 sessions of Lymphatic Massage are highly encouraged to achieve the maximum benefit.
Save $25 when booking a 6-session package.
The Gift of Healing with Oils: Essential Oils are God’s gifts to us for healing on every level – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They are known as nature’s pharmaceuticals. The use of essential oils for healing dates back thousands of years. If there is a concern, there is an oil for it. To learn more, see ‘Oil of the Month’ below and in previous newsletters found on my website .com
Save $15 on Vibrational Raindrop Technique Massage – a unique massage that will help relax, restore and rebalance, as well as detoxify and cleanse at the cellular level. This massage is recommended at least once per season to fight off seasonal annoyances and to boost the immune system. Gift Certificates available.
The Simple Gift of Water: Did you ever think that something as simple as changing your water could change your life? It can, and it does. By providing your body with purified, ionized, alkaline water, you can bring dramatic changes to your overall health and well-being. When drinking this water, you may notice a decrease in painful joints, improved digestion, weight loss or a decrease in the signs and symptoms of various illnesses. Have I piqued your curiosity? Great…contact me! I love to talk about the benefits of Kangen Water. Take the 21-day challenge. “Change Your Water, Change Your Life.”
14 Tips for Expressing Gratefulness

The word gratitude means something different to everyone. It could mean having a sense of wonder, or appreciation; looking on the bright side of a setback, or being able to picture and fathom abundance. It could mean thanking God or someone else in your life; or ‘counting your blessings.’ It may mean savoring; not taking things for granted. It is coping, and it is present-oriented.
Studies have been done to show that maintaining a sense of gratefulness is beneficial for overall physical and mental health and well-being. In this hustle and bustle world that we live in, you may think you don’t have time for one more thing. On the contrary. Expressing gratitude can take as little as 1 minute and the rewards could last a lifetime. Being grateful and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it.
Here are several options to help you get started on expressing your gratefulness.
1. Write gratitude letters to people who mean the most to you. Whether you send them or not is not important.
2. Express gratitude in person by visiting a friend or relative.
3. Devote one time a day to gratitude – at the beginning of meals, bedtime or when your loved one arrives home
4. Journal daily. Many studies have shown the powerful and positive effects journaling can have on physical and mental health when done just a few times a week.
5. Be respectful of others’ space and possessions.
6. Give a hug. Human touch is one of the most powerful acts in the universe. Without it, we would not survive.
7. Provide encouragement and lift someone up when they need it.
8. Give a compliment. Everyone needs to be praised from time to time.
9. Share your skills and knowledge. We are all gifted in a different way.
10. Perform random acts of kindness. Maybe it will start a positive ripple effect.
11. BE FULLY PRESENT and listen intently to others. Show them that what they have to say is important.
12. Be positive.
13. Smile often. It will elevate your overall frequency.
Don’t limit your expressions of gratitude to November and Thanksgiving. Instead, choose to be grateful year-round. When you can find at least one thing to be grateful for each and every day, you will discover that your entire world will begin to change for the better. Your outlook will become more positive as new opportunities begin to open up for you, simply by taking on an attitude of gratitude.
Free Yourself from Emotional Trauma

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Emotional Baggage’? Do you understand what it means, or do you think you might be affected by it? Each of us is carrying around ‘emotional baggage’ of some sort, whether large or small. Visualize this as someone dragging around multiple pieces of luggage, each filled with a negative emotion such as anger, depression, anxiety, fear, sadness, grief, etc. When we are not able to process and let go of the negative emotion at the time of a trauma, the emotions become ‘trapped’ inside of our body. The traumas could be from the failing a test in high school, work related issues, being in a difficult relationship, or the death of a loved one. Military personnel tend to suffer all too often from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) due to the stressful nature of their jobs and witnessing the loss of their friends. Over the course of time, this baggage becomes very heavy. Our body gets used to hanging on to the weight of the emotions and tries to compensate or adapt to it. It begins to store the emotions in our organs and glands. When this happens, we begin to see pain and discomfort, various illnesses associated with specific organs, glands and systems, emotional challenges and problems in relationships.
Trapped emotions or ‘Emotional Baggage’ can cause many problems, but you don’t have to hold on to it. There are many ways to ‘LET GO’ of the baggage, including:
- The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that taps into the subconscious of your being to release the trapped negative energy from past events and traumas. It is speculated that individuals are carrying at least 300 trapped emotions (probably many more) at a given time. Unless these emotions are released, pain, discomfort, illness and eventually disease follow.
- Emotional Release with Essential Oils and Tibetan Bowls uses 14 therapeutic grade essential oils along with the beautiful tones of Tibetan bowls to help guide you to gently release trapped negative emotions. The oils are applied to key points on the body to help elevate vibrational frequency, while their inhalation helps open the Pineal Gland – ‘the Seat of the Soul’. The blended tones of the Tibetan bowls placed on and around you help you achieve the Theta brainwave state – the bridge to the subconscious – where true healing can begin.
Releasing trapped negative emotions and traumas is beneficial and necessary to your overall health and wellness, your relationships and your financial security and independence. Whether you choose to utilize The Emotion Code or Emotional Release with Essential Oils and Bowls, make a choice today to improve your emotional and physical well-being. See what a difference this can make in your life.
My Dad…My Hero

June is a busy month. The kids are out of school, vacations are being planned, and it’s the month we set aside the third Sunday to honor our Dad for being such a great inspiration and role model in our life. But what exactly does it mean to be a Dad?
The definition of a Father is “a male parent; a man who has begotten a child.” A Dad, on the other hand, has a much broader meaning. He is the true man in your life that is always there for you. That someone you respect. Your hero! That person that seems to be able to fix nearly anything, … from putting the training wheels on your first 2-wheeler, to braiding your hair. Your Dad loves you, comforts you, supports and helps you. Your Dad may also be your Father, but your Father may not be your Dad.
Anyone can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad
In our society, we are taught that men are typically the stronger ones of our species, and from a biological standpoint, many times this is true. Men have always been the hunters, the providers and protectors of the family. This is not meant to be offensive ladies. I know you all work very hard to provide for your family as well, but this character trait is in a man’s genes.
Really great Dads lead by example and teach us valuable lessons along the way, like:
- Be responsible for your actions and be able to own your mistakes if, and when they occur.
- Be kind and respectful to others. Hold the door for someone, even if it means they will be seated first at your favorite restaurant.
- Tip your server even though the service was bad – you don’t know what kind of day they’ve had.
- Watch what you say. One day you may have to eat your words.
- Be strong, brave and confident in all you do.
- And always…always be good to your mother. Treat her with the respect that she deserves.
My Dad was the quiet thinker and rarely got upset with my sisters and me, (I have 5 sisters and no brothers). Whenever we had a problem and needed to talk to him, he listened to us tell the entire story. He thought about it for a while, scratched his head and then gave his opinion on it. This, too, was another lesson he demonstrated in listening, patience and compassion. My Dad has been gone for a very long time now, and I still miss him. It seems the older I get, the more I miss him. I would sure love to sit on the front porch and just talk to him like we did so many times in the past. I could get his advice on anything from my garden to my career. I would love to tell him all about Rick’s job and the accomplishments our kids have made. He would have been so proud of all of them. But I would really love to just hear his voice and his silly laugh one more time.
My Dad gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me!
Time spent bonding and creating memories with Dad is priceless. Do you remember using a bubble blowing lawn mower to help Dad cut the grass? What about cuddling up in the recliner while he read you your favorite story? Did Dad teach you how to drive, change a tire and check the oil? What about driving a tractor? Some of these are all things I remember from my childhood, and they are all things my husband has done with and taught our children over the years that have helped them become the responsible adults they are today.
Dads wear many hats … Father, Provider, Anchor/Rock, Teacher, Mentor, Comedian, Counselor, Mediator, Referee, Coffee Buddy, Cook, Field Trip Chaperone and Guardian of his family. For the million and two things you do for your family, Dad, thank you. We honor and celebrate you and pray we never take you for granite.
A Dad is his son’s first hero and his daughter’s first love.

May, the month of sunshine and flowers, outdoor bar-b-ques and most importantly for celebrating Mom. The second Sunday in May is the day we traditionally set aside to honor and celebrate Mom and to thank her for the many things she does for us without our even asking. Even though most of us probably don’t express it as often as we should, Mother’s Day is the official day to show the woman that raised us how much gratitude and affection we truly have for her.
Mother’s Day, as we know it today, began in 1905, when Anna Jarvis began publicly campaigning to make it a recognized holiday in the United States. She wanted to honor her mother, who was a peace activist and cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the Civil War. Though the initial proposal was rejected by U.S. Congress, May 10, 1908 was the first celebrated Mother’s Day. By 1911 most states recognized Mother’s Day, and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially declared the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.
For those of you that are fortunate enough to still have your mom around, count yourself fortunate and among the blessed. My Mom has been gone for 18 years now and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and wish I had a little more time with her. I realize now how much I took for granite when she was still here. I would love to spend another afternoon sharing a great cup of coffee and some cookies while we each worked on our latest stitching or craft project. It may sound pretty simple and uneventful to you, but in those quiet times I learned patience, perseverance, dedication and, unfortunately, my perfectionism.
A Mother’s love is never ending, is unconditional, and is one I can’t imagine living without. A warm hug from Mom always did the trick after a fall off my bike or hurt feelings from the neighborhood kids picking on me. She would bandage up my knees or tell me to be strong and just ignore those mean kids. So, with my renewed strength and self-confidence, I ran back outside to play without any more problems at all.
Moms seem to know exactly what we need, most times before we know ourselves. They know how to listen and are ready to help solve our problems. Moms give great advice too, even though it might not be what we want to hear at the time. They are our biggest fan and ready to fight for us when things get tough. Mom – you’re the best!
My Mom taught me how important family is, that family always comes first, and family time is something of value and should be treasured. My Mom never cared if I bought her an expensive present or if I bought a present at all when all the holidays and birthdays rolled around. In her eyes, the important thing was that I was there spending time with her.
Mom instilled some great values in us, and we have gone to great lengths to teach our children the same. The greatest gift I can ask for this Mother’s Day is to simply spend time with my children. Whether it’s having dinner together or just sitting and catching up on how they’re all doing, I love the time we spend together. I count myself as blessed to have spent another day with them. Time spent with my family is never wasted time.
In case you’re still not sure of what to get Mom this year, I compiled a list of a few of the most meaningful things you can do for her. Take it from me, we really don’t always want or need presents, clothes, perfume or jewelry. Those gifts are truly appreciated, but there are other things I/we want even more.
Seven thoughtful gifts you can give from the heart that Mom will appreciate long after her special day has passed include:
1. Spend some time with her. Life gets too busy with jobs and having kids of our own. Carve out a day to spend together.
2. The gifts we will treasure forever are the homemade cards, handprints, and photo frames from our children that remind us what a blessing it truly is to be a mom.
3. Massage/Spa Day allows Mom to have some much needed ‘me’ time. Moms typically take care of everyone else before you take care of themselves. Show her how much you appreciate her with a gift certificate. SEE THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL!
4. A day free from the ‘Mom routine’ will give her some time to spend with her own mother, or a friend without worrying about her ‘Mom duties’.
5. Cook dinner for the day or even the week. What a rare treat if Mom doesn’t have to worry about what, when and how to feed the family along with making it.
6. A little extra sleep is not only appreciated but needed for the thousand and two things Mom does for us. Allow her the time to sleep in or take a nap throughout the day. She needs and deserves it.
7. Turn your Honey-Do list into a Honey-Done list. It will give everyone a chance to relax and enjoy a few jobs well done.
There are so many ways you can tell Mom how much you love and appreciate her on Mother’s Day and every day. And, it doesn’t require breaking the bank. Remember, the best gifts of all come from the heart. Time spent together is always time well spent.
Wishing all the Moms, Soon-to-be-Moms, Grandmas, Great Grandmas and Amazing Aunts a Wonderful Mother’s Day. You’re simply the best!
Is It Luck or Coincidence?

Have you ever looked around and noticed that some people seem to have all the luck? Everything always seems to go right for them. On the flipside, if it wasn’t for bad luck, the other people wouldn’t have any luck at all? How does that happen? What are the people with good luck doing so differently than everyone else? Is it luck or is it coincidence? Luck is the idea that defines the experience of notably positive, negative or improbable events. We wish people good luck all the time when they are faced with a difficult task or situation, or we blame it on bad luck when things don’t go exactly as we had planned.
A coincidence, on the other hand, is described as an occasion when two or more things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unexpected or unlikely, or the unlikely fact of such things happening at the same time. We’ve all bumped into a friend at a time or place that we least expected to. Or found that perfect parking place right by the entrance during a rain storm. Whether large or small, coincidences seem to pop up all the time in our lives. But, is there really such a thing as a coincidence? Albert Einstein says, “A coincidence is a small miracle when God chooses to remain anonymous.”
Have you ever stopped to think about where you focus your attention and energy on a daily, or even an hourly basis? Consciously focusing on and maintaining a moment by moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, sensations and our surrounding environment is what we call being mindful. Being mindful of our thoughts and what we are projecting outwardly is the first step to improving our overall health, happiness and abundance. Negative thoughts will attract more negative into our life. On the other hand, if we are making a conscious effort to be grateful for everything, we will attract more positive. Whether we need and desire a healthier physical body, a happier, loving relationship and/or financial abundance, projecting positive thoughts will help you manifest your dreams.
“Thoughts become things, … choose the good ones,” says Mike Dooley. In other words, when we focus on something for an extended period of time, or visualize a desired outcome, we cause the Universe to align to bring those exact things – our needs, wishes or desires in our direction. Can we dare to say that we are all creators of our own destinies? Our most dominant thoughts and energies will certainly manifest into reality. Everyday encounters are rarely an accident. There are many things in our lives that are outside of our control, but our reality is largely the result of our thoughts, unconscious wants and energies manifesting into the physical.
“Coincidence is the language of the stars. For something to happen, so many forces must to be put in action. When you see signs or coincidences, the Universe is talking to you,” says Coehlo
The point is that everything you attract into your life – every person, every object, and every experience –has all been drawn into your reality by none other than YOU. Your own unique vibrational frequency. What you are attracting into your life, is matching up with the energetic frequency you are projecting. If you’re not happy with the events in your life, try making a consistent conscious effort to change your thoughts to align with your goals and dreams.
Everything in the Universe is made up of energy and has its own vibrational frequency, including our thoughts and emotions. In addition to being mindful of our thoughts and making adjustments as needed, let’s contemplate the possibility of releasing trapped negative emotions from past traumatic events. This is possible with a technique called The Emotion Code. When we are not able to process the emotion/s at the time of the trauma, they become trapped and stored in our body, brining our overall vibrational frequency to an unhealthy level. As we begin to release the negative emotions, our frequency begins to rise. Health, happiness and abundance on every level soon follow.
Three easy steps to attract abundance into your life:
- Being Mindful and Grateful – Always
- Meditate with Visualize – Daily
- Release negative emotions with The Emotion Code – Elevate your vibrational frequency and create overall abundance.
Who Loves Ya, Baby?
For many people, the concept of self-love might seem foreign and bring up such images as tree-hugging hippies or stacks of self-help books. But, as many psychology studies attest, self-love and compassion are the keys for mental health and well-being and keeping depression and anxiety at bay. Cultivating these feelings of self-love, however, can at times be challenging, but well worth taking the time to explore.
Self-love is important, especially for those who work too hard at trying to achieve perfection, as perfectionism lends to self-criticism and that inner voice that is always saying “you could have done that much better.” There is nothing wrong with doing things right but persecuting yourself for not achieving perfection ALL the time comes at a cost. There are several illnesses, both mental and physical, associated with perfectionism, including, but not limited to: cancer, obesity and eating disorders, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety and a shorter life span. Recovering from some of the more profound illnesses is more difficult when you are a perfectionist. So, we now see that perfectionism and self-compassion or self-love are intricately linked together.
No one is ever going to love you more than you love yourself. In other words, until you are 100 percent happy and in love with YOU, no one else will be either. Do whatever it takes to increase your self-confidence, and love who you are (curly, frizzy hair, extra ten pounds and all). If you’re not connected to who you really are, how are you going to connect with someone else?
Everyone needs love in their life and you probably focus a lot of energy on loving other people — spouses, children and friends. But where does your love come from? You might expect it to come from the people in your life that you care so much about, but you can’t control those people or what they think. And you might wind up very disappointed if you rely only on external sources for love.
What if there was a way to fuel your life with the love you needed and not have to rely on other people to do it? That’s where self-love comes in. Not only is it important to love yourself to fill in the gaps that other people may leave, but self-love can provide many benefits – both emotionally and physically.
Aside from just making you feel good, self-love can benefit your life by giving you:
- Greater Life Satisfaction. People who practice self-love display greater life satisfaction. Appreciating yourself helps you appreciate your life. You will have more enjoyment in life and a more positive attitude toward the future when you hold yourself in high esteem and know you are fulfilling your own life’s purpose.
- Motivation for Healthy Habits. Self-love can motivate you to adopt healthy habits and take care of your physical self. Express your love for yourself by doing things that make you look and feel your best.
- Better Mental Health. For people who love themselves, mental health issues are more likely to resolve quickly — or less likely to develop altogether. Self-love can keep you from getting lost in your own head and going down a path toward negative thoughts and feelings. People who find themselves struggling with addiction or other mental health issues often need to develop a stronger positive relationship with themselves and find that self-love can help lead them out of their disorders.
- Reduction in Stress and Increase in Performance. Self-love reduces stress, lessens procrastination and reduces performance anxiety around deadlines. Without those last-minute doubts about yourself, you can complete projects with confidence and energy, rather than wasting it on procrastination and setting yourself up for failure.
- Better Able to Deal With Adversity. People who practice self-love rebound from adversity faster than those who wallow in self-loathing. You can’t control what life throws at you, but you can control your own response to it. People are able to handle life crises better and move on to good times faster when they feel good about themselves.
Loving yourself can create a joy you bring with you wherever you go.
Recognizing the value of self-love is the first step. Adding more of it into your life is the next step in accomplishing improvements in every area of life. You accomplish this by:
- Define Your Own Beauty. Don’t wait until you lose those stubborn 10 pounds or get the perfect hairstyle to love yourself. Make the decision today to love yourself and change your focus on what’s important. Start with just one small feature. Accept it and embrace it. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it’s uniquely you.
- Change Your Self-Talk. The little voice inside your head that can drag you down when you make a mistake must be changed. You probably wouldn’t talk that way to someone you love, so why say it to yourself? Replace that negative self-talk with something positive and up-lifting. When you make a mistake, try a more encouraging phrase like, “It’s ok! I’ll just try harder next time.”
- Pamper Yourself. Be more aware of your physical condition and do things to comfort yourself. Wait for the water to get warm before washing your hands. Buy that new pair of comfortable slippers. Schedule a massage when you need to relax and escape, or when your back is achy. These are small ways you let yourself know that your comfort and well-being are important.
Learning to love yourself can be a very involved process, but it is well worth the time and energy. Making a conscious effort to improve your relationship with yourself will not only affect your life, but the lives of those around you.
Manifest Greatness One Step At A Time

Happy New Year! Have you set a New Year’s resolution for yourself yet? Most people set some sort of goal at the start of a new year, but unfortunately, statistics show that 80% of them fail by the second week of February. This could leave a person feeling very disappointed, sad, discouraged and depressed, only to fall back into the same old habits and routines.
Instead of putting yourself through such a difficult situation and potentially setting yourself up for failure year after year, why not start this New Year by making just one simple change? Set a smaller goal that is more achievable and can provide you with a feeling of success and a sense of accomplishment. When you have mastered your first goal, add in another small goal. This positive reinforcement will allow you to continue on the path to complete success.
Listed below are several tips and ideas or small changes you might be able to incorporate into your life. We have been given one beautiful opportunity to be the absolute best that we can be in every area of our life including health, happiness in relationships and financial abundance. Why not start 2019 on a positive note, make just one small change and improve your odds of lasting success?
- Make a decision to make a fresh start today.
- Practice gratitude. Demonstrating gratefulness even in the most difficult situations will improve your overall outlook on life and help you in ways that seem impossible.
- Practice self-love and be kind to yourself. Do at least one special thing for yourself daily, whether it’s a hot bubble bath, listening to your favorite CD, a glass of wine with a friend or a nice nap. You must love yourself before you can expect to have a healthy relationship with others.
- Detox on a regular basis. The world is full of toxins, both chemical and emotional. Cut the ties and distance yourself from toxic relationships and talk to a health care professional on various ways to remove emotional and chemical toxins from your body.
- Exercise is a great way to release the natural endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Unless you are already practicing an exercise routine, I suggest you start slowly, and consult a health care professional prior to beginning.
- Practice proper breathing. Getting more oxygen into the body can boost your mood, energy, sleep, immune system and prevent many illnesses.
- Visualize your success. See yourself in that situation of where you want to be tomorrow, one month and one year from now.
- Hold yourself accountable for your goals or find a friend to help you.
- Recite I AM affirmation statements on a regular basis. They are powerful!
- Get massage/bodywork on a regular basis. There are many benefits and it’s a great way to show self-love.
- Express words of kindness. Everyone needs to feel special and giving someone a complement takes little effort and helps you feel better as well.
These are all small, but incredibly powerful changes that you can incorporate with little effort. But, if you are still feeling overwhelmed, choose just one and work on it for one month. When you have mastered that, add in one more small but powerful change, and so on. After several months, look back and notice the tremendous progress you have made in your life. More importantly, notice how well you are feeling, both physically and emotionally. Let these good feelings be the positive reinforcement you may need to heal your body and balance your soul.
How Healthy is Your Lymphatic System?

A healthy lymphatic system is the key to maintaining good health. It labors endlessly to clean up the mess made by virtually all the other systems of the body. It is widely regarded as a lesser sister to the circulatory system and is a crucial player in your body’s ability to ward off a multitude of diseases and heal from various injuries. In fact, many European doctors and healers believe that poor lymph function is the underlying culprit to a host of problems from cellulite to arthritis to cancer.
The Lymphatic System consists of:
- Lymph – The clear yellowish liquid circulating in the lymphatic system.
- Lymphocytes – the smallest of all the white blood cells, play a role in immunity, including antibody production.
- Lymph Vessels – carry lymph fluid from lymph capillaries to veins.
- Lymph Nodes – bean shaped structures that filter lymph fluid and remove bacteria and other material.
- Tonsils – large groups of lymph nodules located beneath the mucous membranes in the mouth and in the back of the throat. They form a protective ring of lymphatic tissue around the openings between the nasal and oral cavities and the pharynx (part of the throat).
- Spleen – roughly the size of a clenched fist, it sits in the upper left abdominal cavity, and is the largest of the lymphatic organs. It responds to foreign substances in the blood, destroys worn out red blood cells and is the storage site for blood cells.
- Thymus Gland – a bi-lobed lymph gland that produces lymphocytes, which then move to other lymphatic tissues where they can respond to foreign substances.
The 3 primary functions of the lymphatic system are:
1) It is responsible for maintaining proper fluid balance within the tissues of the body.
2) It absorbs fat and other substances from the digestive tract.
3) The lymphatic system is a key player the body’s defense system, filtering out bacteria and cellular debris.
Unlike the circulatory system, which utilizes the heart muscle to pump blood through the arteries, the lymphatic system is a passive system. This simply means that it relies on breathing (proper deep breathing), muscle movement with exercise, or passive movement as in a massage, to push the lymph fluid through the body.
The lymphatic system works steadily to maintain a healthy balance. Sedentary lifestyles or a lack of adequate activity cause the fluid to become stagnant, allowing edema to set in. Inflammation, painful joints, and poor circulation soon limit the ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. This is the beginning of some potential life altering situations if not corrected immediately.
There are many things you can do to assist the process and ensure the lymphatic systems’ ability to continually remove the sewage it pumps out daily. I began incorporating several of these techniques into my life years ago in an effort to decrease inflammation and pain in my hands and feet. The ability to have some control over my health with using such easy-to-do techniques, makes it doable, gives me a sense of empowerment in my own health care and prevents me from relying on prescription drugs for inflammation. Some suggestions include:
- Incorporate a healthy diet filled with fresh organic fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods, and avoid simple sugar and carbohydrates.
- Drink plenty of purified or filtered water – at least half your body’s weight in ounces daily
- Schedule a massage on a regular basis.
- Body brushing to stimulate lymphatic flow.
- Use a mini trampoline or rebounder to stimulate the lymphatic system.
- Gentle exercise with gardening, yard work, ballroom dancing, yoga, QiGong and/or Tai Chi has many benefits beyond increasing lymph flow.
- Regular deep breathing into the belly allows the diaphragm to fully expand. It’s a massage for the internal organs.
- Sit in a sauna or steam bath on a weekly basis. It’s a great way to sweat out the toxins and support healthy lymphatic function.
- Acupuncture will help move the trapped energy in the lymphatic system.
- Try to maintain a stress-free life style. This will require you to take a close look at your habits and choices, and possibly make a few positive changes.
Maintaining a healthy lymphatic system is crucial for good physical and emotional health, as well as overall well-being. Making a few simple changes will have a dramatic impact on your life. I challenge you to take a good look at your current lifestyle. Are you healthy – physically and emotionally? What do your daily activities consist of? What change/s can you successfully make today that will make a dramatic difference in your well-being today, tomorrow and in years to come?
“Take care of your body, … it’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn