Happy New Year! Have you set a New Year’s resolution for yourself yet? Most people set some sort of goal at the start of a new year, but unfortunately, statistics show that 80% of them fail by the second week of February. This could leave a person feeling very disappointed, sad, discouraged and depressed, only to fall back into the same old habits and routines.
Instead of putting yourself through such a difficult situation and potentially setting yourself up for failure year after year, why not start this New Year by making just one simple change? Set a smaller goal that is more achievable and can provide you with a feeling of success and a sense of accomplishment. When you have mastered your first goal, add in another small goal. This positive reinforcement will allow you to continue on the path to complete success.
Listed below are several tips and ideas or small changes you might be able to incorporate into your life. We have been given one beautiful opportunity to be the absolute best that we can be in every area of our life including health, happiness in relationships and financial abundance. Why not start 2019 on a positive note, make just one small change and improve your odds of lasting success?
- Make a decision to make a fresh start today.
- Practice gratitude. Demonstrating gratefulness even in the most difficult situations will improve your overall outlook on life and help you in ways that seem impossible.
- Practice self-love and be kind to yourself. Do at least one special thing for yourself daily, whether it’s a hot bubble bath, listening to your favorite CD, a glass of wine with a friend or a nice nap. You must love yourself before you can expect to have a healthy relationship with others.
- Detox on a regular basis. The world is full of toxins, both chemical and emotional. Cut the ties and distance yourself from toxic relationships and talk to a health care professional on various ways to remove emotional and chemical toxins from your body.
- Exercise is a great way to release the natural endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Unless you are already practicing an exercise routine, I suggest you start slowly, and consult a health care professional prior to beginning.
- Practice proper breathing. Getting more oxygen into the body can boost your mood, energy, sleep, immune system and prevent many illnesses.
- Visualize your success. See yourself in that situation of where you want to be tomorrow, one month and one year from now.
- Hold yourself accountable for your goals or find a friend to help you.
- Recite I AM affirmation statements on a regular basis. They are powerful!
- Get massage/bodywork on a regular basis. There are many benefits and it’s a great way to show self-love.
- Express words of kindness. Everyone needs to feel special and giving someone a complement takes little effort and helps you feel better as well.
These are all small, but incredibly powerful changes that you can incorporate with little effort. But, if you are still feeling overwhelmed, choose just one and work on it for one month. When you have mastered that, add in one more small but powerful change, and so on. After several months, look back and notice the tremendous progress you have made in your life. More importantly, notice how well you are feeling, both physically and emotionally. Let these good feelings be the positive reinforcement you may need to heal your body and balance your soul.