Just for a moment, be still, settle in and relax. See if you can honestly answer the following questions:
• How are you feeling today?
• Can you identify any particular emotion or emotions?
• Have you ever felt like you need to start the day over?
• Are you feeling “stuck” in your current job?
• Are you holding yourself back – afraid of success?
• Do you have chronic pain?
• Do you have frequent illnesses?
• Are you struggling with meaningful relationships?
All of the situations mentioned are most likely due to trapped negative emotions. When we are confronted with negative situations, stressors – life, we cannot and do not always act upon them as we should. Instead, we hold on to the emotions, and they become trapped in our body, in our organs and cells. They can and do affect our DNA, and if not dealt with, begin to cause discomfort, dis-ease or disease.
Anger, stress, fear, grief, worry, or any combination of multiple other emotions, can and do cause damage to our bodies, cause physical and emotional pain, prevent us from achieving our financial goal, having the relationship we desire or performing to the best of our physical ability.
What We Know:
Anger is stored in the Liver and Gallbladder. Bile is produced in the Liver and stored in the Gallbladder and aids in the breakdown of fats. Anger can affect many processes that sap energy and cause headaches, dizziness and high blood pressure.
Joy/Happiness is stored in the Heart and Small Intestine. When a person becomes overexcited with joy, it can cause agitation, insomnia, fever and heart palpitations. Who would have thought it unhealthy to be joyous and overly happy?
Worry/Sympathy is stored in the Spleen and Stomach. Too much emotion can cause fatigue, lethargy and inability to concentrate. It can constrict the digestive system and affect the stomach with gas, distension and bloating.
Grief is stored in the Lung and Large Intestine-causes many people to cry, creates disharmony in the lungs and blocks energy from circulating throughout the body. It can sap the will to live, injure the lungs and cause respiratory disease, and/or difficulty with digestion and elimination.
Fear/Fright is stored in the Kidney and Bladder. This emotion can cause disharmony in the kidneys and cause involuntary urination. Extreme fear can cause a person to spontaneously lose control of his kidneys and bladder. Fright affects the heart in the short run and when it becomes chronic can affect the kidneys.
We all know someone with one or more medical conditions that, when we look at it a little closer, we can begin to recognize the emotion that is attached to it as well. For example: The grief stricken widow who develops a digestive disease. Or the person that worries so much they have frequent stomach upset and trips to the bathroom. Hence the expression, ‘worried sick’. This phenomenon of stored emotions has been proven multiple times in organ transplant patients, by their sudden, strange and otherwise unexplainable memories and desires.
It has also been shown that emotional patterns exist in families and are passed from one generation to the next. Could it be that the “genetic factor” of various diseases is really an inherited negative emotion? I believe it’s entirely possible to break the cycle, reverse illnesses and diseases by our shear willingness to let go of our negative emotions and changing what we feel in our heart and how we view the world.
Within all of us, exists a conscious and a subconscious mind. Our conscious mind controls a mere 5% or less of our entire being. It receives input from everything around us, but filters out what is not immediately needed. Our conscious mind is where ego, judgement and IQ reside. Ego’s job is to protect us from pain.
Our subconscious mind, on the other hand, is in control of a whopping 95% or more of our entire being. It is where our spirit, our emotion, memories and our beliefs reside. It can recall EVERYTHING, when given the opportunity. It contains all information about our needs, knows everything about our well- being, as well as our symptoms and illnesses. It is a Universal Intelligence.
In order to truly heal our body at the emotional level (cellular level), we must:
• Pay attention and identify our initial feelings and emotions.
• Bypass the ego and tap into the subconscious.
• Make a conscious effort to let go of the negative emotions and take on an attitude of gratitude, and be willing to change our current thoughts.
• When our thoughts align with our beliefs, we are at peace and true healing can begin.
• It is then that we are free to excel on every level – physically, financially and emotionally and achieve our goals, whatever they may be.
Schedule a session of Emotion Code today, and notice the difference it makes if your life.