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2017 – The Year of Great Achievements!

2017 – The Year of Great Achievements!


Ahhhh, … January 1 – the day many people make some sort of resolution.  Some sort of promise  to do better, to lose weight, eat healthy, to be a better person, or commit to a better relationship. Now that the hectic holidays and excuses to over-indulge have passed for another year, it’s time to knuckle down, get serious and fly right – at least for a while anyway.   Have you made your resolution yet?  Before you do, you may want to read further.  Here are some interesting facts and statistics about resolutions.


  1. Lose Weight – the #1 choice for people who make a resolution!
  2. Get Organized
  3. Spend less, Save More
  4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest
  5. Staying Fit and Healthy
  6. Learn Something Exciting
  7. Quit Smoking
  8. Help Others in Their Dreams
  9. Fall in Love
  10. Spend More Time with Family

We make these resolutions because of holiday remorse.  It’s the guilt driven-response we have to holiday excess that becomes the catalyst for those New Year’s resolutions and intentions. What happens is that we go through the holidays abandoning most – if not all – restraint, while indulging our every impulse. Bellies full, we manage to sleep well at night clinging to the rationalization that, come the new year, we’re going to lose the weight and get in shape.

Come the first of January, the hoards of enthusiastic resolutions-ers account for the swelling number of gym, yoga and Pilates memberships as the diet books fly off the book store shelves. By the second week of February, some 80 percent of those resolution-ers are back home with a new kind of remorse staring back at them in the mirror – the remorse of disappointment. Why is it that with such good intentions, getting fit, losing weight and improving our lives seems so elusive?

The unfortunate truth is that change, all change, entails some degree of emotional friction, which in turn generates a “heated state” we call stress. Many times, it’s the emotional baggage that we’ve hauled around with us for many years that holds us back from success and sticking with our goals/resolutions, losing that weight, achieving financial freedom, having the perfect relationship or more time to spend doing the things we love to do.

Life is full of stressful events, both good and bad.  When we are unable to process the emotions from a stressful or traumatic event and let them go, the emotions from that event get stored in our body.  These negative emotions bring our vibrational frequency down, weaken our immune system and open the door to illness.  The average adult has approximately 300 trapped emotions in their body.  These same trapped emotions – whether fear, depression, guilt, anger, betrayal, etc. also hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams.  It is safe to say then, that we indeed hold ourselves back from success – whatever success might look like for each of us. It could be weight loss, financial freedom, a dream job, or a happier relationship with your significant other.  Whatever it is, by releasing the trapped emotions, we can and will have success.

The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that works in the subconscious of the body.  With yes/no questions and muscle testing, I am able to identify the specific emotions that are trapped, and with the use of magnet energy, release the trapped emotions. The subconscious mind knows everything about us – our thoughts, memories, emotions, our health and what we need to achieve wellness.  A typical session of Emotion Code will allow a client to release up to 15 different emotions, and the subconscious will determine which emotions are released and in which order.  Many times, we will need to identify a specific time in our life that the particular emotional event occurred prior to releasing it.   Because this is energy work, it can be done via telephone, while you remain in the comfort of your own home.

Typically, clients report feeling “lighter”, or as if “a weight has been lifted” with an Emotion Code session.  They report being more mentally clear and can better focus on a task, their relationships improve, sleep improves, pain decreases as does their level of confidence.  Are you beginning to see how the emotional baggage can weigh you down and hold you back from health and success?

Before you think about making a New Year’s Resolution, you owe it to yourself to release some of that old emotional baggage that does not serve you.


News Years Resolution Statistics Data
Percent of Americans who absolutely never make New Year’s Resolutions 38 %
Percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution   8 %
Percent who have infrequent success 49 %
Percent who never succeed and fail on their resolution each year* 80%

Percent who have success with The Emotion Code                                                                  100%

* 70% of these people who fail to keep their New Year’s Resolution, lose approximately $1000 in various products, and gym memberships, in addition to lost time and energy.